Helpie Event FAQs

We’re here to help you get answers to your questions

What is Helpie Event?
Helpie Event is an instant prospecting + real time lead management solution for B2B events. Much more than traditional lead capture.
We use a CRM. How can I get the data into it?
You can extract all your data an Excel file, modify it to suit your CRM’s data structure and upload it to your CRM
Does the app work ‘offline’ i.e. if not connected to the Internet?
Yes most of the app’s features are designed to work offline keeping in mind the low and unstable internet network at exhibition and event venues.
Can the app be customised?
Yes. Helpie Event is highly customisable to suit your unique lead data gathering requirements.
Is there an admin functionality?
Yes. Helpie Event comes with default admin functionality, allowing your account admin to access the web based Configuration and Control Center to carry out many useful tasks and get the app ready for your users.
Can we use it for multiple users in the same event?
Absolutely. Helpie Event has been designed with your users- sales soldiers - in mind. Anyone in your team with an Android phone and authorized by you can use the app.
How is access control managed?
Helpie Account Admin for your company to add, remove users and control who can access your company’s Helpie Event app. Users can access the app only through their admin-authorized mobile number and one time passwords sent to their phone and authorized email ID. There is no user ID and password required, making Helpie Event’s access highly secure.

Each account is given a single admin access, which means only one person can access the company’s Helpie Event Control Center and all data within it, at any point.
If multiple devices have the app installed for a show, does it centralize the interactions or keep them separate?
Yes. The data gathered by multiple users is aggregated for the admin to view and extract as one file.
Is there a report that would show which device captured which leads?
That’s correct. Each interaction is uniquely identified with the user’s device from where it was added. With a full date and time stamp.
How do I extract the data after the event?
You can view all your incoming data in real time and extract it from Helpie Event’s web based Control Center at any time during the access period, as a simple Excel file.

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